Women after sixty years often choose short haircuts. This happens for many reasons, among which is the preference for a convenient and practical hairstyle that does not require complex care. In addition, age has a negative effect on the state of hair: gray hair becomes an essential attribute of appearance. It is difficult to dye it, especially if the hair is long; over the years, strands become thin, lose their luster, strength. Stylists advise older women not to hold on to their length, but to choose haircuts for gray and short hair.
A short haircut is often the ideal solution for a woman after 60. A haircut bob is the best option for women who want to emphasize their individuality. You will always look fashionable and modern with this haircut, because the classic graduated bob never goes out of fashion, will be a great choice both for ordinary ladies and the stars of show business. Bob is perfect for thin strands. In addition, you can wear a bob with or without a bang. Bob favorably emphasizes the chin, highlights the cheekbones, looks stylish and elegant. It adds performance and gloss.

What are the advantages of such haircuts?
- firstly, it is easy to care for them;
- the ends of the hair are regularly cut, which allows you to look always stylish and well-groomed;
- styling does not cause any problems, and in some cases, women may not even style their hair, and at the same time look stylish and beautiful;
- such haircuts have a rejuvenating effect, as they refresh and soften the face.
The properly chosen haircut will allow you to always look attractive and stylish, no matter how old you are. With the help of fashionable haircuts, older ladies can prolong their youth and stay attractive longer.
In case you have an extra chin or neck folds, the front locks should be made longer. Haircut bob with its variations perfectly copes with this task. With a variety of options – from neat smooth to bold milled bob – haircut fits any style. According to stylists, a very elegant solution is a regular medium-sized bob with side bangs. The gray-haired bob looks very stylish – it has a pleasant peculiarity to be changed depending on the styling option.
A great solution after 60 is a short graduated bob
A haircut can be charmingly combined with evening styling. A fashionable short haircut will greatly simplify your hair care. Almost everything you can do on your own. Given the fact that with age, hair and skin on the head become drier, experts advise washing your hair every 5-7 days.